Saturday, April 02, 2005
Friday, April 01, 2005
Photojournalist Wanted - Post
The Traverse City Record-Eagle, beautiful northern Michigan's largest newspaper, is looking for a photojournalist to join our aggressive, creative photo staff.
The Record-Eagle encourages enterprise and is committed to display of quality photography. The successful candidate for our full-time position must have demonstrated leadership ability, as well as the talent to produce dynamic news and sports images with an eye for the decisive moment. We also expect strong, sensitive feature photos. Exceptional reporting/writing skills, a plus.
Proficiency is required in digital photography, computers/laptops, Photoshop, electronic image storage/archiving, flatbed scanners, and AP style. Previous daily newspaper experience and a related college degree required.
Send cover letter including salary requirements, resume, and portfolio with diverse photos (PC compatible, CD preferred) to: Human Resources Director, Traverse City Record-Eagle, 120 W. Front St., Traverse City, MI 49684. E.O.E.
The Record-Eagle encourages enterprise and is committed to display of quality photography. The successful candidate for our full-time position must have demonstrated leadership ability, as well as the talent to produce dynamic news and sports images with an eye for the decisive moment. We also expect strong, sensitive feature photos. Exceptional reporting/writing skills, a plus.
Proficiency is required in digital photography, computers/laptops, Photoshop, electronic image storage/archiving, flatbed scanners, and AP style. Previous daily newspaper experience and a related college degree required.
Send cover letter including salary requirements, resume, and portfolio with diverse photos (PC compatible, CD preferred) to: Human Resources Director, Traverse City Record-Eagle, 120 W. Front St., Traverse City, MI 49684. E.O.E.
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Cool Speller - Photo

Traverse City, Mich. - 03/29/2005 - Liz Bannister, 88, won her first spelling bee in 1929. This year she well be competing in the "Cast a Spell" spelling bee sponsored by the Traverse City Senior Center, Traverse Area District Library and the Traverse City Record-Eagle. The spelling bee is for seniors over the age of 50 and will be held April 29 at the Traverse Area District Library.
Comments Welcomed - Post
Comments about my photography or my posts are always welcome. All you have to do is click the comment button and make your comments.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
1922 Brockway Torpedo Lost - Photo

Buckley, Mich. - 03/29/2005 - Carl Kreiser looks over some of the damaged and destroyed equipment in the Sam Zue Pavilion at the Buckley Old Engine Show grounds. The pavilion was destroyed by a fire on March 22nd and Kreiser lost a 1922 Brockway Torpedo fire truck in the fire. Kreiser spent about 5 years restoring the historic fire truck.
Monday, March 28, 2005
Independent Looking Again! - Post
I had a really good laugh today. While reading the ads on and I came across an ad from the Gallup Independent looking for a photographer, Again!
Having work at the newspaper and knowing its history with photographers I fell out of my chair laughing. I would strongly suggest anyone wanting to work there check out the papers reputation with past photographers, and check out the reputation of the publisher and chief photographer (now calling himself the senior photographer). Enough Said!!!
Having work at the newspaper and knowing its history with photographers I fell out of my chair laughing. I would strongly suggest anyone wanting to work there check out the papers reputation with past photographers, and check out the reputation of the publisher and chief photographer (now calling himself the senior photographer). Enough Said!!!
Heartbreaker! - Photo

East Lansing, Mich. - 03/19/2005 - Bellaire Eagle Ben Belanger (3) hauls down a rebound in the Class D state championship contest against the Detroit Rodgers at the Breslin Students Events Center in East Lansing, Mich. Bellaire was just 3.4 seconds away from its first state championship whe the Detroit Rogers stole ball and the title from the previously unbeaten Eagles. Bellaire lost 68-71.