Saturday, July 23, 2005

Friday Night Live - Photo

Louren Ouellette, 9, closely inspects her friends face, Ben Vipond, 5, after it was painted.

Louren Ouellette, 9, watches as her friend Ben Vipond, 5, has his face painted by Margaret Ann Slawson.

Traverse City, Mich. - 07/22/2005 - Louren Ouellette, 9 has her face painted by Margaret Ann Slawson during the kickoff of the 14th season of Friday Night Live on Front Street in Traverse City. The event will be held every Friday evening from 5:30 to 9 PM through August 26th.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Need Some Rain - Photo

Traverse City, Mich. - 07/20/2005 - McLean Desmond, 2, waters the flowers in the front yard at her family's home on Seventh Street. According to Mike Cellitti, at the National Weather Service in Gaylord, rainfall for the month of July has been .83 inches and normal should be about 1.90 inches. "For the year we are 8.3 inches less then average and this puts the area into a moderate drought condition," said Cellitti.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Pleasant Day - Photo

Traverse City, Mich. - 07/19/2005 - Barb Mahon a landscaper employed with Bayshore Resort deadheads some of the flowers in the front gardens of the resort Tuesday. "I don't mind work outside on a pleasant day like to day. Today is just beautiful, " said Mahon

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Playing a few bars - Photo

Traverse City, Mich - 07/18/2005 - Addiena Nicolaou,1, shakes on some musical bars on a playground set in Darrow Park, as she enjoyed and outing with her parents.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

A Garden Variety - Photo Package

Photo Package "A Garden Variety"

Monday, July 18, 2005

Traffic Stoppers - Photo

The five women did stopped traffic. Horns honked, while passengers and drives shouted approval.
Traverse City, Mich - 07/17/2005 - Belly dancers from the Beledi Center in Traverse City participated in a short performance along Grandview Parkway Sunday. The performance was part of the Public Urban Ritual Experiment "PURE". PURE is a collective of dancers taking music and dance into the streets for the purpose of healing and peace. Dancers taking part were Ashley Wilbur, Kelly Brooks, Jennifer Jarvi, Merrie Hutchins and Beth Roberts.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Texas Hold'em - Photo

T.J. Clark, right, and Erik Bento demonstrate the poker game Texas Hold'em.

Traverse City, Mich. - 07/16/2005 - With the popularity of the poker game Texas Hold'em sweeping the country, T.J. Clark, a volunteer board of directors member of the Boys and Girls Club of Grand Traverse, has found away to capitalize on the game and benefit club. So far he has organized four poker nights at Streeter's Entertainment Center, with the proceeds going to the Boys and Girls Club.