Saturday, July 16, 2005

Paper Work - Photo

Acme, Mich. - 07/16/2005 - Sharon Corpe, office and planning coordinator for Acme Township sits behind reams of paper work The Village development project has created for the township.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Retirement Garden - Photo

Suttons Bay, Mich. - 07/15/2005 - Jim Beaton removes a row of Bibb lettuce to process for one of his customers. The business, TLC Tomatoes, started out as a small retirement venture and has grown to the point of producing 35,000 heads of Bibb lettuce, and 35,000 pounds of tomatoes a year in addition to other hydroponic products.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Cooling Off! - Photo

Kids take advantage of the water to cool off in the Open Space, as firefighters from the Traverse City Fire Department pour water on the grass to revive it.

Traverse City, Mich. - 07/14/2005 - Pat Reed from Traverse City, Mich., does a slide on the water in the Open Space of downtown Traverse City, Mich., as he tries to cool off.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Evening Rainbow - Photo

Traverse City, Mich. - 07/12/2005 - After a brief rain shower dampened Traverse City, Tuesday, the sky turned red as a rainbow formed over Front Street in downtown Traverse City.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Candy Please! - Photo

Eastport, Mich. -07/12/2005 - Tatiana Ivanac, 5, from Farmington Hills, Mich., gives a shy look as she asks her mother if she can have a piece of candy at Brownwood Country Store near Eastport, Mich on the north end of Torch Lake. The Brownwood Country Store also offers an old-fashioned country store, candy kitchen, jam and jelly kitchen, unique gift shops and farm animals to pet.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Quiet Afternoon - Photo

Traverse City, Mich. - 07/11/2005 - Rick Nowland tries to spend a quite afternoon reading his magazine at Clinch Park but his dog Bloom, 12, had a different idea. Bloom, an Australian shepherd mix, only has three legs but still enjoys playing Frisbee with Nowland.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

zReportage publishes new picture story each week, the elite photojournalism division of Laguna Beach-based picture news wire, ZUMA Press, Inc., is the home for stories that need to be told. Every Tuesday a new, compelling, in-depth essay is launched. Topics covern today's big issues and global concerns.

See the story of U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Jessica Clements, 27, who was given less than 2% chance of survival. She is one of 12,000+ U.S. soldiers wounded (more than 1,600 have been killed) in the Iraq War. Clements, a former model and massage therapist, was critically injured outside Baghdad when a roadside bomb exploded beneath her convoy sending shrapnel into the right side of her brain. See this and other stories at: Click Here

The story was shot by Jim Gehrz/Minneapolis Star Tribune/ZUMA Press.

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