Saturday, June 25, 2005

Moore Leads Charge - Photo

Traverse City, Mich. - 06/24/2005 - Becky Whitehead an interior designer for Nest of Grand Traverse will be volunteering her time to get the State Theatre ready for the Traverse City Film Festival. Filmmaker Michael Moore is leading the charge to get the theatre cleaned up and the festival organized.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Final Games - Photo

Traverse City, Mich. - 06/24/2005 - Cam Hodges, front, and Mike Fetters battle for the ball in a Lacrosse game at the YMCA fields in Traverse City Friday night. This was the final week of play for the 6 teams on the 2 leagues consisting of more then 90 children.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Slow Fishing - Photo

Traverse City, Mich. - 06/23/2005 - Casey Smits, on the bow of the boat, and Richard William fish on the Boardman River just east of Cass Street after rain storms covered the area for a short period of time. According to Smits the fishing was slow.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

A Vinaigrette - Photo

Traverse City, Mich. - 06/22/2004 - Megan Umulis poses with a product her mother created "Megan's Mom's Cherry Vinaigrette". The vinaigrette was so popular among family and friends the two, Megan and her mother Sheryl, decided to market the product. The proceeds from the product will hopefully send Megan through Michigan State University.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Suspicious In Nature! - Photo

Traverse City, Mich. - 06/21/2005 - Traverse City Fire Department firefighter battle a two story wood structure fire in an unoccupied residence, located at 129 N. Cedar. Captain Mike Brown of Traverse City Station One said "The fire was an extremely difficult one to put out because of the balloon construction used in the house." According to a fire department spokesman, the City Police and Fire Department are doing a joint investigation on the fire whose origins are suspicious in nature.

Monday, June 20, 2005

To Fly - Photo

Frankfort, Mich. - 06/20/3005 - Pilot Dick Ide navigates an ASK 13 glider over Crystal Lake as he heads toward Lake Michigan under the tow of a Bellanca Scout aircraft, during a demonstration flight. Ide, a barber by trade, is a member of the Northwest Soaring Club in Frankfort, Mich., and will disconnect his guilder at an altitude of 4,000 feet, from the tow aircraft. The club owns 5 different gliders and offers demonstration flights to the public.